The Spiritual Conflict and Conquest
The Spiritual Conflict and Conquest by Dom Juan Castaniza, O.S.B. 574 pages.
Spiritual Conflict was the favorite book of St Francis de Sales which he read often. It is God that the spiritual man yearns after, and God alone, and to increase and strengthen this yearning is the object of this volume. The human heart, which is influenced so much more by things which have shape and size and color than by things which are unseen and intangible, is apt oftentimes to fix its love too eagerly and intensely upon sensible objects, allowing them to rule and master it, and interpose between the soul and God.
The Spiritual Conflict and Conquest by Dom Juan Castaniza, O.S.B. 574 pages.
Spiritual Conflict was the favorite book of St Francis de Sales which he read often. It is God that the spiritual man yearns after, and God alone, and to increase and strengthen this yearning is the object of this volume. The human heart, which is influenced so much more by things which have shape and size and color than by things which are unseen and intangible, is apt oftentimes to fix its love too eagerly and intensely upon sensible objects, allowing them to rule and master it, and interpose between the soul and God. The due and right controlling, regulating, and directing of the affections, which, while they are the most perfect means of union with God, may also be the greatest obstacle thereto, is one of the most difficult tasks in the supernatural life, and with the large majority of men is absolutely altogether the most difficult. The methods and maxims, however, which the Spiritual Conflict and Conquest prescribes for the accomplishing this arduous work are neither harsh or violent. While recognizing love to be a gift from the hand of the Creator and an essential constituent of human nature, it would have the erring soul overcome and destroy its inordinate affections by purifying and supernaturalizing the heart, and by gradually making it feel and realize by a blessed experience, how poor and insipid are all earthly pleasures when compared with the divine and ineffable delights which spring from the total love of Jesus Christ.
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